Others Degrees

The best 2 year online university degrees

What other degrees are in store for you?

For other degrees not mentioned in the list, you can email Reliabledegree.com for information. However, we give special degrees for the following majors:


Casino Management

We DO NOT sell the following degrees:

Medical Degree and Allied Fields

Aviation Degree

Military Service

Seeing as the competition on the employment market is more and more fierce as years go by and globalization extends all over the world, you should definitely opt for a flexible degree when it comes to your education. It would be a pity to get stuck in a dead-end, slow-going trade, when you could work your way to the top of a thriving, in-demand industry. Here are a few degrees that you can purchase and earn instantly and that will allow for a wide range of job opportunities and give you a head start in a brilliant career.

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The best 2 year online university degrees

If you’re not yet ready for a full University experience or maybe you don’t have 4 years at your disposal to get a diploma, there’s always the chance of obtaining an online University degree after just 2 years. While not as complex as a bachelor’s degree, an associate degree takes half the time and still gives you amazing career opportunities, in terms of job availability as well as financial security. Indeed, you might not start off in the $70,000 per year range, but getting there is a walk through the park, as everything you need is to keep working for a few years.

Dental Hygienist

Dental hygienists have a projected mid-career income of $70,000 every year. Instead of wasting another 2 years of your life, you can put it to good use and get the experience required to establish your own practice. When your full-time graduate counterparts will start off their own business, you’ll be well into yours, with an established reputation and a steady flow of clients. If this wasn’t enough, the hiring outlook for the next 6-8 years rises above the 30% marker, meaning that there will still be plenty of positions that demand motivated workers.

Registered Nurse

Healthcare industry is all over the board, as price tags are rising constantly in this field. Registered nurses can easily end up making $65,000 per year after 5-6 years of tenure, whereas Intensive Care Unit Nurses can have an extra 8-10% increase to that amount. There’s no point in wasting your time with a different domain that might even take longer to complete, even if you’re pursuing an online University degree program when you can be sure that you can make it here.

Web Developer

According to a 2012 statistical analysis, there are 644 million active websites on the Internet, whereas figures coming from the United Nations have predicted over 3 billion Internet users by the end of 2014. With half of the world’s population on-line, web developers’ salaries are still on the rise from the $62,000 per year they are currently receiving. Hiring outlook for the next 6 years is projected at a figure of 20%, but this is also subject to Internet access fees. Seeing as the latter is consistently becoming more accessible, so will the demand for these specialists and their financial reward when performing.

Computer Engineering

Our entire global architecture is turning to electronic-based platforms. From devices that have microprocessors to regular house appliances, almost everything has an embedded computer, regardless of its complexity. Starting a bit over $40,000 per year, you can easily reach over $75,000 as an experienced worker in this field.

Management Information Systems

Last, but not least, MIS earnings cash in slightly bigger figures than an online University degree in Computer Engineering. While tackling the same field, but from a management perspective, these specialists keep track of the working condition of computer architecture. From civil networks to business groups’ digital data, everything is transcribed in the virtual environment. Besides maintenance, MIS and CE graduates can also turn their best 2 year online University degree experience into a trainee experience to become a digital risk officer. The latter position is a fairly new created niche that is entirely responsible for projecting where data breaches may occur. With an initial salary of at least $60,000, a senior digital risk officer can earn well beyond $120,000 in mid-career.

Graduating from a 2 year online University degree program can pay off, sometimes a lot better than a 4 year BA.


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